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dreaming-in-daylight · 1 year ago
memories- hannah bang streetlight by changbin hug me by i.n fire in the rain burn the house down carried home take me home hold on-just search up httyd after this tourner dans le vide-indilla sped up vers. blossom-enhypen
+ some more memories by han hold on by seungmin
can you see that im slowly putting you in kpop
hehe you already did my princess and hopefully this will be a nice present for when you wake up <3
memories, hannah bang - voice is very very soothing and relaxing, got chills, hear an accent
streetlight, changbin - this is a mooood, woah the metaphors, is this like toxic masculinity?, i dont think im supposed to be relating--, totally saving that
hug me, i.n - WEIRUFBUDFIBRFRIDBU THATS SO DUCKING CUTEEEEE. whys that so adorable and wholesome and just UGH. would you hug me? yes sir!
fire in the rain - giving riptide vance joy vibes, awwwwww this is so cuteeee, im saving this too. im gonna listen to this until i am sick of it. aylin your taste is beyond amazing
burn the house down - AJR!!! I LOVE THIS SO MUCH THE TUNE IS SO CATCHYY AHHH THE TWINNSS OML I LOVE THEMM. way up way up we gooo, been up and down that road mmmm i love this sm ty so much aylin im saving this rn
carried home -  this is so calming i swear. was this in httyd ? i feel like it was. so freaking relaxing. 
tourners dans le vide (sped up) - (i coincidently found one with the thumbnail as mikasa) oooooh spooky like a dark carousel i dunno how to explain it. i am only judging by the voice. OHHHH I HEARD THIS IN EDITS YEAHHH. SO COOOOOOOLLLL. I LOVE THISS THE VIBE AHHHH AYLIN YOURE TASTE 🫶🫶🫶
miserable, han - his voice is cute. the vibe is very nice. okay this does NOT sound like a healthy relationship 😅. oooooh his rapping is so good. i really like this. i would listen to this in happy rainy days. 
hold on, seungmin - 3 seconds in and i've fallen in love with the tune alone, awww "you came to me like a gift, you brought joy to meaningless days" byjcrewjybrc, wait. is he talking about a pet or a furry. im so confused. is he dating a furry???, STOPP "when the remaining ashes are blown away, i will call your name once again" brb im sobbing and screaming curled up in my bed, STOPP THIS SO SAD BUT SO HOPEFUL AT THE SAME TIME AND THE TUNE AHHHH, new favorite
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not-museing-around · 3 years ago
A vacation was never something Leah had expected for herself. Not only because she has the responsibility of running the bookstore, but just the financial option had never been there. But with the apartment still under renovation, the bookstore getting its facelift, a vacation seemed like a perfect distraction. When she thought about it that way, Leah worried she would come off like a gold digger, but she'd fought max for long enough. He could use his money however he wanted, even if that meant on her. The protests died on her lips in the hospital when she'd been shot. So, on this vacation they were going. It would also give the workers time to put up the new sign. Reinhardt Layton Books. A little of the original name for her mom, and then a little bit of Madsy for the future ahead of them. It probably wouldn't mean much to her, but the name of the business hadn't been changed in a hundred years. It was time though. It wasn't just hers anymore, and Maddox deserved a name on the door. He was the only reason it was still open, and she would never be able to express enough gratitude for that fact.
At first the thought, Leah had wanted to go to England, some place where she could read and look at older literature. But the thought of being able to run around in a bikini to tease her love was too good to pass up. So, off they went to a beach instead. The flight wasn't had, but Leah had enjoyed flying the few times she had. Flying privately was infinitely better though. She spent most of the flight sitting in Madsy's lap, watching a movie to pass the time or just talking as they spent most days. A short nap made it in there at one point and before she knew it, they had landed, stepped off the plane and set up in the beautiful little private resort area. The house was bigger than her apartment, and located right on the beach. She assumed Maddox had chosen this location specifically because there wouldn't be any prying eyes not only was there a beautiful private beach but right out the back door waited a lit pool and hot tub for late night soaks. It honestly looked like a dream. Like something she would see in a magazine but would never think was real. "Remember our deal? You don't check in on the repairs or on business, and I won't sit in the sand and read all day." That didn't mean she couldn't read a little though.. right?
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jkangel · 6 years ago
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kokoinupi · 5 years ago
sort of not really tagged by @josukelovemail but i love these so im gonna do it anyway
1. Your favorite season and why
toss up between spring and summer honestly, i love being warm and hot and feeling the sun on my skin but while summer was my favorite in mn, spring in oregon is SUPER pretty and nice!! sakura babeeeyy
2. You get a chance to meet a celebrity. Who would they be? What would you do together?
fuck man uhhhhh can ono daisuke count cause i just wanna chat with him he seems like such a fun dude kfmwme
3. What's your dream job, if you have one?
Mangaka, character designer, or voice actor. Goin to school for character design tho so that's probably what'll win out.
4. Do you have any regrets?
bruh right now i regret visiting my family... i wanna be home playin animal crossing all cozy but now my flight is delayed for another daaayyy
5. Who's your favorite artist?
uhhhhhhh i'm not sure if i have one in particular, but @ all of the animators at bones i love you so much muah
6. If you could live in another place, which one would you choose?
copenhagen! or tokyo! one of those two there's no in between.
7. Your favorite school subject and what you like the most about it
uhhh obviously art (in high school it was specifically printmaking) but a more classic subject was language arts, i was way above my grade level with reading and i always loved english teachers so much
8. Do you have a hobby?
many! obviously i draw (tho that's sort of an academic/career thing at this point), but i also collect things (anime merch, stuffed animals, mlp toys, ramune bottles, etc), and i cosplay, and when it's nice outside i bike!
9. How are you spending these days?
wishing i was at hooome, just sorta reading manga and watching tv and taking a lot of showers and wasting away in my bed UGH
10. Are you happy?
eh, aside from the major waves of stress that come from thinking about my school tuition payments, sure, i'm alright. would be happier playing animal crossing tho.
11. A random fact
i'm reading the hanako-kun manga rn and it's like one of the only manga ive ever read and will probably be the second ive ever finished/caught up with because adhd makes it hard to read things 😔
tagging @urieli-olio @kilkaz @todorokicest @trender-sollux @pastelbluberri @hizentadahiro
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beendressingforrevenge · 6 years ago
Lover Review!!!
IFTYE - looove the bop and beat and the indifference. The LAUGH. The shade-throwing voice. The little silences. The eeend "oh yeaaah". A song that will be amazing live for suuuuure. I can see her cute faces now.
Cruel Summer - vooooocals!! Unbreakable heaven!!! The synth. Glow of VENDING MACHINE?! Ooohoohwoooaaaah. Drunk in the back of car. DONT WANNA KEEP SECRETS JUST TO KEEP YOU?! GAAAAAAY. Amazing bridge yo.
The Man - badass beat. Badass lyrics. Conquests would make her a boss? IM ALSO SICK OF RUNNING AND HAVING PPL COMING AT ME AGAIN BABES. The "aaay". The way she sings "I'm" is so powerful???? Bitches... she said it.... she Called Them Out. Oooof. Echo-y end is perfect for the lead into The Archer.
ITHK - clicking, upbeat tempo, soft voice/speaking. Vocals are so expressive!! You can see her face when she was signing it. The "uh". Taylor saying she is an architect ... like she knows she's building the best bridges... follow sparks I'll drive - SPARKS FLY Y'ALL. Reference to Our Song as well 😭
MA&THBP - references to YBWM. LYRICS ARE SO PICTURESQUE. LUCKY YOU VIBES. Also got I Know Places vibes. So raw. STORM IS COMING. Also referencing Love Story, Style, White Horse, IDSB maaaaan. She went all out with the references!! Go! Fight! Win!
Paper Rings - moon is high. 90s vibes. Looove the similes. Last Kiss parallel! 1, 2, 3 lets go!!! MARRIAGE!!! REFERNECES!!! FRIENDS TO THIS!!! Dirty dreams eeeeh? SO MUCH BLUE REFERENCES. The lil sigh. THE BRIDGE HAS SPEAK NOW VIBEZ. Sparks fly type beat? BABY BOI. Kinda got a country twang? Loveeee it. The faaaade out. So reminiscent of her Old Music fml.
Cornelia Street - reveeerb is on honeys. Streetlights leading them hooome. Heartbreak time could never mend 💘💘. Parallels to Style agaaaain! Such smol details. This city screams your name.... and then theres the "I'm NYC" lyric to come .... BAREFOOT IN THE KITCHEN?! Like in All Too Well...except its a Lasting Relationship this time. Heartbeat sounds at the end!!
DBATC - echo-y by by by. The tinkling in the background thats Slightly Off - matching the lyrics so well. "If the story's over then why am I still writing pages?" THIS BRIDGE IS SENDING MEEEEE 😭😭.
London Boy - such a Typical British Boi looool. Enchanted parallel!! I love the references to British Culture and all the London street names. PARALLEL TO KOMH! If I see this in London I will FREAK
SYGB - the guitar riff is enough to make me sad man. "Desperate people find faith". Goosebumps during the chorus. "You'll get better soon.... cuz you have to".... :( her voice is so sad and soft. Kind of has Never Grow Up vibes?
False God - trumpeeet is back. Lu-huh-huh-hooove. "Golden when you touch me" - DWOHT!
Afterglow - more references to blue?! "Boxing with no gloves" ... sorry but kaylor?? "Went off like sirens" ... getaway caaar reference.
INTHAF - imagery is very vivid. A coming out song? Deffo a wlw song. Also kinda pointing at the media calling her potential relationships with Ladies "friendships". Reminiscent of Marys Song.
Daylight - the musical production is making me feel calm and loved and surrounded by happiness. The surge when she sings "daylight". Such a dreamy vibe. MORE REFERENCES TO GOLDEN. "ONCE BELIEVED LOVE WAS BURNING RED BUT IT'S GOLDEN"?!?!?!? The ending is perfection. It is everything. YOU ARE WHAT U LOVE.
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error-code-sin · 7 years ago
Bikini Bottom Day: (as we go)
-THE UKULELE IM CYRING THIS IS SO C U T E  -when ethan started his monologue i was like 45% sure it was him and not the og spongebob voice actor ethan is just that good  -conclusion: ethan is a fantastic spongebob wowowowowowow -”and allll who inhabit it :3″ -this song is so happy and positive????? god this is so pure im crying  -M R O W - “S.S. I’M READY” IM CRYIGNFJFSGJKFJKEIRTGLKDSI P UR E  -his LAUGH??????? wow im cr y i gn  -the melody is so catchy im y eLLING  - “I’m singing an opening number~” “OH I WANT A VERSE” honestly same tbh??? -his mildly panicked “i mISSED A SNACK” me too patrick, me too  -danny skinner is a fantastic patrick PASS!!! IT!!!! ON!!!!!! -HARMONIES!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!! - “now what rhymes with rock???? (bikini bottom) NOTHING RHYMES WITH ROCK-” as a composer i relate to this little bit right here tbh  - “Sensitive Artiste” -HARMONIES -im gay for sandy hooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MY GO D -i love her voice?????? wowowowowowowowow i could listen forever -THAT NOTE IS HIGHER THAN ALL OF MY GRADES HSDK’FGJRKVLIKHJRTIJBF - IM CRYIG N BRIAN RAY NORRIS, WESLEY TAYLOR, AND STEPHANIE HSU ARE MY EVERYTHIN G  -MR KRABS TF DID U JUST SAY ABT UR BEST EMPLOYEE????? B I N C H????????????? -#LETSPONGEBOBBEMANAGER GET IT TRENDING -MAN hes got his tie and good shoes and everything LET HIM BE MANAGER  -shut ur frick spongebob ur more reliable than i am on a good day  -say those 3 words and hes yours,  - “IT’S OPENING TIME!” -ohHHHHHH MY GOD THE ENSEMBLE UHIODFHVLJKZFDXLIGLVKCXVFDG THEYRE AMAZING??????????????????? - H A R M O N I E S  O H   M Y  G O D  -i appreciate that high third harmony when they son “hoOOME TOOOOWN” i loooove how that sounds  -honestly this bit is so lit tf im so down for this bit in the song omg -JHGFDRASJKLFIS’GROEHLDKHFQWEASGVHDFIBRGKJEUIAHTKRIA -SHIVERS, IM GETTING SHIVERS JFKGHYUDIOJZ -AMAZING??????????????? UHFDIGJFKIYERDKG - H A R M O N I E S  J E S U S  C H R I S T  - i love the call and response stuff between the ensemble and spongebob oM G I  L I V E  FOR CALL AND RESPONSE PASSAGES  -RJKLQWER;GDNEJKDLHJNQWE;IGKLI -HARMONI E S  - I AM NOT BREATHI GN TF THEY SOUND???????? SO GOOD???? I AM SO BLOWN AWAY?????? -i think my heart stopped a little at this bit ohHHHH MY GOD  -JHDLWERNFREGLKEJAG.ETHE ENDING OH MY OTGEDE RJ -conclusion: this song make me feel better about waking up in the morning 
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hamitrashcan-blog · 8 years ago
This is a conversation between Mary Jefferson and yourself, Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes. Mary Jefferson : ((OHMY FUCKING GOD)) hELLO Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : ((I'm always online child )) Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : ((As Turned into a woman Hercules Mulligan or Turned into a baby Alexander Hamilton )) Mary Jefferson : ((aH that's some interesting cool au shit right there)) Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : ((And Mute!Puppeteer! Aaron Burr )) Mary Jefferson : ((Im like trying to picture this woah tHAT WOULD BE ACTUALLY REALL COOL and burr would be over dramatic af)) Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : ((Hes calm and sign language) Mary Jefferson : ((smh im a rat he's obviously cAlm but is he s a l t y)) Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : (Salty Mute. And also Going to a duel Angelica Hamilton and Hamilsmol George Washington!)) Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : ((I rp too many people)) Mary Jefferson : ((I think rp is pretty cool tbh)) dAD hey dad so do you know what chemical ice is Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "No I dont." Mary Jefferson : o h n o Philip was talking about it and I WANT SOME Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "Take some of our Money and get your own " Mary Jefferson : But I don't even know what it is??? It's obviously ice bUT IN WHAT FORM Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "Search it up " Mary Jefferson : too much work I don't want to I just want the i c e with c h e m i c a l s Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "Buy it. You keep wanting things." Thomas gives Mary $100 Mary Jefferson : *tOO MANY IDEAS ARE POPPING OUT OF MARYS HEAD* thankS Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "Dont use it all in once place ' Mary Jefferson : I wOooOnt ok I'll buy you an ugly rock or something Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "I don't need anything." Mary Jefferson : I n e e d eVERYTHING *extends arms out* let's buy the entire world Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "$100 won't buy everything " Mary Jefferson : well if it could I would buy everything Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "Okay. Well go off and buy things. No pets." ((THOMAS S TI LL HAS THOSE ANIMAL PARTS OKAY?)) Mary Jefferson : ((OKAY AH)) *groaning* ugh ok *zoOMS OUT IF HOUSE SCREAMING* Mary Jefferson : *OF Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : Thomas reads a book Mary Jefferson : *Mary runs twists through the city, buying things and desperately watching through he windows of the pet store* Mary Jefferson : *the Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : Thomas makes himself Mac and cheese Mary Jefferson : *Mary sTRUGGLES to find something else to distract her, so she keeps searching, trying to prove wether chemical ice was real or not, she ran into Theo, and bought things, asking every ice cream parlor about c h e m i c a l i c e* uGh I hate the suNnnnN *the sun sets, signaling Mary that is was time to go home* you rat sun, I'll fight you one day *mary goes hooome* hEY ITS ME ITS ME ITS ME ITS ME IM BACK HELLO ITS ME Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : Thomas was asleep on the couch. Mary Jefferson : oh *grins, and pets Thomas' again* okay now this is boring *wAKES UP THOMAS AS VIOLENTLY AS SHE CAN* THE ORPAHNS ARE COMING IN THROUGH THE WINDOWS Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : Thomas snaps away "GAH WHAT WHERE NO ORPHANS BELONG HERE" Thomas looked around and saw nothing "Mary what the fuuuucdge. What did you buy?" Mary Jefferson : okay okay get ready for some fire *pulls stuff out of bags* *pulls out a ribbons* so I FINALLY found a nice shade of pastle red to go with my dresses and this lavender is gonna go perfect with one of my white dresses so??? yeah I also got *pulls out big ass sweater* my new life line Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "Oh that's great, Mary. How much money do you have left?" Mary Jefferson : uh *pulls out fifteen bucks* I can only use the sold riBBONS THE WOOL ONES ALWAYS GET MESSED UP AND THEN I FIND STRINGS OF WOOL IN MY HAIR ITS NOT FUN ok I need the nicer ribbons Mary Jefferson : *THE SILK RIBBONS Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "I see. Well it's getting late. Ill give you more money tomorrow so you can go buy whatever you want. No pets " Mary Jefferson : OOOOO I SAW ANIMALS AT THE PET STORE TODAY AT IT WAS SO COOL except there was one dead bird but I mean we can't all be happy Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "Dead birds? Hahaha you should've brought that home, I mean what? Go to sleep" Mary Jefferson : eW dad sTOP I WILL NOT LIVE LIKE THAT WITH YOUR DOGGY DEAD ANIMAL FETISH urgh *goes to room and changed* Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "I didn't say anything, don't bring dead animals home." He's totally not hiding dead animals in the yard Mary Jefferson : ok, that's gross and anyway so *under blankets* GOODNIGHT Mary Jefferson : *goes to sleep* Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : Thomas fell asleep on the couch Mary Jefferson : ~~next morning~~ hm *spills small cup of water on Thomas* UP Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : aNGRY BARKING AND WAKING UP "MARY!" Mary Jefferson : DAD! gET UP Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "whAT DO YOU WANT MARY' Mary Jefferson : *sarcatic mocking* whAT DO YOU WANT FATHER I actually don't know I just woke up and realized evolution i s real and yeah now I'm shook Mary Jefferson : *sARCASTIC Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "Do you want money again? Just go get yourself a new dress or something " Thomas gave Mary $200 Mary Jefferson : oH hm let me think about this,,, *silence* what would happen if I gave a slave ten bucks- Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "Youre grounded for a year " Mary Jefferson : ok nevermind bYE *is out the door again screaming* Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : ((BUY DOG THINGS AND KEEP YOUR FATHER ON A LEASH. jk)) Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : Thomas works on work Mary Jefferson : *Mary is more hasty and rude because she feels powerful with 200 dollars* wATCH WHERE YOURE WALKING UGH *she wants to buy to White House. S H E W A L K S T O T H E W H I T E H O U S E* Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : She can't buy the white house Mary Jefferson : *cant buy the white house* THE US GOVERMENR IS RIGGED *throws stick at ground because that helps the problem somehow???* yEA I JUST SAID THAT I COULD CARE LESS ABOUT THE DECLARATION ew these pEASENTS *Mary walks to That Beach™ And watched the waves crash down onto the sand, she immediately turned away and speed back home rather early because tHERES NO CHEMICAL ICE YET* Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "Welcome home what did you buy " Mary Jefferson : uhUHhUh only some dresses uh here look *pulls out dresses* that shawl *points to a shawl* came with this dress *hold up a dress* so yeah that was cool and I got *pulls out Chinese handcuffs* I got angry that's what happened then my fingers got caught in these and I decided to buy it Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "Thats...not interesting." Mary Jefferson : that's because your wierd and you rUN THIS GOVERNMENT ok *falls onto couch and hugs a pillow* we need a new president Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "Who Do you have in mind?" Mary Jefferson : me Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "Youre too young " Mary Jefferson : RAHHH see we need to change the system Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "No we don't. " Mary Jefferson : *is forming a wall of pillows* INCORRECT just because yOU MADE IT DOESNT MEAN ITS PERFECT one of the things you made has an exception that would be *sticks out head from wall of pillows* m e Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : 'Well if you find a way to be a adult over 30 then sure be the president. But you're only six so it's impossible " Mary Jefferson : *goes back under pillows* noT FAIR Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "It is fair." Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : ((DoN't FORGET ABOUT THAT WITCH)) Mary Jefferson : ((THANK YOU FOR THAT INFO AGAIN)) that's what you think. adults are crusty and you're three so Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "Madison isn't so he can run for me." Mary Jefferson : wHO WOULD RUN FOR A THREE YEAR OLD Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "Madison." Mary Jefferson : *groaning* Mr. Madison looks like a ten year old either way so Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "Madison doesn't look three." Mary Jefferson : but he looks ten TEN YEAR OLDS ARE WORSE Mary Jefferson : AND HES ALWAYS GOT A RUNNY NOSE ITS DISGUSTING Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : Thomas sighs annoyed "if I give you $300 will you leave?" Mary Jefferson : *explODES FROM PILLOWS* Y e S *takes money and R U N S OUT INTO FOREST LOOKING FOR THE WITCH* hey ms. Witch it's me Maryyyy remember me I'm your friends *sees witch shack* yE *runs into witch shack* uh...hi??? Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : The witch looks at Mary "What do you want now?" Mary Jefferson : I got 3 0 0 dollars, make me...32 years old, because I wanna run for president and make this countRY LIVE UP TO ITS TITLE. E Q U A L. You're a woman!!!! I could buy you stuff! aND MEN TOO BECAUSE E Q U A L I T Y Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "Oh. " the witch takes the money "Its a deal." The witch makes Mary 32. Mary Jefferson : oh my god. I'm so taLL *looks down* I- oH WHY ARE THEY- ugh thanks anyway, I feel suddenly real crabby but thanks *Mary leaves the shack, and changes some other dress she found that would fit her better ((wOW))* Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : Thomas was reading another book. Mary Jefferson : *Mary doesn't skip or run home. She painfully hides her excitement but keeping a straight face and a straight posture* uHhH *she opens the door* WAIT NO *cLOSES THE DOOR SHUT AGAIN* Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : Thomas looks at the door "Mary?" Mary Jefferson : um,,, HOLD ON *Mary walks to the pond near the house and looks at her reflection* woah... *she was amazed and felt wierd and completely different, but she liked it.* uh *opens door* y e s Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "...mary? What the hell did you do?!" Thomas walks to Mary and looked up Mary Jefferson : iM RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "But yo- you need to learn politics " . Mary Jefferson : pSh I know enough, I have the declaration at the bottom of my closet and since I'm older, I don't have to tell you w h y it's in my closet. so ha. Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "Mary how old are you now? Youre too young! !" Mary Jefferson : ...uh...............................*r e a l l y quiet* 32........ Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "32?!" . Mary Jefferson : wHa- DAD HOW OLD ARE Y O U NOW?! Y O U R E TOO YOUNG Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "I'm three but I'm not mentally! !! Youre six mentally! ' Mary Jefferson : And??? Just because I am six doesn't mean I have to a c t six Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "Youre already acting six!!" . Mary Jefferson : NUH-UH Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "Mary you're grounded!!" Mary Jefferson : *deep inhale, smoothens out unusually long dress* No *smiles* Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "No? Mary I am your father and I demand that you go to your room now!" Mary Jefferson : no...I'm don't feel like it so....no Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "Mary go to your room!" Thomas glares Mary Jefferson : *Mary feels weird having her father look a lot shorter, so she looks down and glares back at him* mmmm??? no? no. Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "Mary don't say no to me!" Thomas grabbed the end of Mary's dress and tries to take her to her room Mary Jefferson : um *Mary puts more weight into her shoes and held onto the wall for more strength, she laughed as he tugged at her dress* n o, im fine right here but thanks anyway Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "Mary go to your room! I forbid you to run as president! " Mary Jefferson : You can't! You're a child! And you know, *pats Thomas' head* gentleman shouldn't pull on a woman's dress that's,,,rude, impolite and vulgar Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "Mary I am not a child so do not pat my head. And you are not a woman, you are a child. So go to your room!" Mary Jefferson : uhhhh...*Mary feels as if she should go to her room but she remembers: 32 > 3* nope... *backs up to door* Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "Mary stop saying no to me! I am your father! " Mary Jefferson : Well I'm older! Mary Jefferson : You said- you said to show respect to your elders so! Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "Mary you're not older. I am. And I am your elder!" Mary Jefferson : do you have eyeballs??? I'm clearly much older Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "I am mentally older, Mary! You are still a child!" Mary Jefferson : But I'm not! You're being daft and stupid. I AM OLDER Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "I am not stupid mary! I worked with so many politics things while you just sta home and read books. " Thomas glares at Mary Mary Jefferson : Because I'm forced to! I don't want to! I would like to have a dog and take care of it and that's not easy! I want to rUN FOR PRESIDENT! And maybe- just maybe- you A R E just stupid enough that this politics, big ego and 'oh! I'm so smart! I'm Thomas Jefferson! George Washington thinks I'm a responsible person, so that makes me better than everyone!' IS LITERALLY TAKING OVER YOU AND YOU CANT EVEN *fRUSTRATION NOISES* Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : Thomas stays silent for a bit and looked away from Mary and ran out the door Mary Jefferson : *Mary's fists shook with anger* DONT EVEN BOTHER COMING BACK *she slammed the door and went to scream at the pillows on the couch* aRGH Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : Thomas just kept running until he made it to the beach. He sat underneath the tree. Mary Jefferson : *Mary took blankets from Thomas' room and wrapped herself up in them. She layed down on the couch and clamped her eyes shut. She r e f u s e d to cry even if no one was around. She wasn't gonna cry over something so dumb* Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : Thomas pokes the sand a bit before unwillingly breaking into tears Mary Jefferson : *Mary felt tears stinging behind her eyes* don't cry don't cry. Don't cry. D O N T C R Y *she brought the blankets closer to her face thinking it would help the sobs escaping from her lips and the tears pooling in her eyes* ...ugh... *she wiped her eyes every now and then, wrapping the blankets around her self tighter, mutter uNPOLITE things under her breath, making her cry harder* Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : Just a three year old crying under a tree. That's normal. Mary Jefferson : *Mary ripped the blankets off herself. She wanted to stop feeling, she wanted to stop crying, but she knew she couldn't. So she wanted to stop caring about Thomas. She looked everywhere. She couldn't find pictures or paintings anywhere. She entered her fathers room. She violently opened up a drawer in his dresser, and there it was. There were few pictures with Martha in there, there were more with Thomas and Mary, looking happy- which made Mary cry more, there was one, with Thomas and Martha holding Mary. Mary shakily grabbed it and held it to he chest. She envied her happy smile, her fathers gentle eyes and just seeing Martha got Mary emotional. She threw to picture back in the drawer* it doesn't matter anymore... Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : Thomas felt alone. His children are either dead or moved away. His daughter hates him. His wife is dead. He cuddled into his coat. It started to rain. He sighs wondering how else it would get worse. He cried more Mary Jefferson : *Mary heard the rain dripping and thunder roaring. She wondered where her father was and wether he was safe or not. He could be alone...cold...freezing...or dying. Mary hated her brain for making her think of her life without him. She covered her face in the pillow and let out sobs and shrieks not caring about who heard.* Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : Thomas got up and went to the only person he had left. Madison. He knocked the door, being greeted by James. He explained what happened to him, feeling sick. Mary Jefferson : *James was concerned when Thomas came knocking, his face tear stained. Thomas began to explain his heart shattering problem and James met him in* A-are you gonna be ok? Will Mary be ok? Mary Jefferson : *let Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "I feel horrible. Mary hates me so much." Thomas cried collapsing onto his knees "I am a horrible father " Mary Jefferson : *James hugged Thomas no matter how gay it was* Thomas, relax, just try to find peace. I'm sure Mary'll get over it. It happens, and that doesn't make you a horrible father. How could you? She six and has the dream of running for president. That's pretty impressive. Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "I still feel like it. She kicked me out of my own house, James! All of my children hate me!" Thomas hugged back "I miss my wife, I miss my daughters. But they're all just gone!" Mary Jefferson : Shh, I don't think Mary hates you. I think she loves you, and misses you more than you think. People make mistakes and they get angry. I bet you, before tomorrow morning, she'll coming knocking at that door so she can see you. Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "Do you think so..?" Thomas looks up at James, wiping his tears Mary Jefferson : I'm positive. *But Mary never came knocking. She was on the complete other side of the city. She ended up pounding at the Burr's door, falling too the ground crying, while hugging a confused six year old Theodosia. When Theo called for her father, he was ready to kill Mary for even looking at Theo, but once she explained her situation, she was comforted. But it didn't feel right. She was being comforted by the wrong father.* Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : Thomas looks at James tearing up again "she didn't come. She hates me...." Thomas refuses to sleep. Mary Jefferson : *James felt terrible for telling all that to Thomas.* N-no...Im...I'm gonna go look for her, make she's not dea- *he took a deep breath in* I'm going to try to find her and make sure she's safe and I'll bring her back here. Ok? You, n e e d to lay down and rest. Got it? Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "I'm not tired. I just want to see my daughter..." Thomas looks down as tears runs down his face Mary Jefferson : *James exhaled* I'm gonna make sure you see her, just stay here, and don't do anything without thinking about it. I'll be back before sundown. *and James left.* Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : Thomas sat down on the couch just crying. Missing his daughter and feeling guilty Mary Jefferson : I...*Mary's head titled backwards, and little Theo gave her a hug and Aaron Burr felt devastated, but couldn't imagine how Thomas felt. He looked at his own daughter and felt his heart clench* I- I don't know what to do anymore! I feel like a monster- a-an-and *Mary broke out into sobs* he looked so hurt and j-jus-st...He just ran out! *Burr couldn't here this story. Mary sounded terrible and her horrified expressions were painful to him the longer he thought about the situation* I'm...gonna go look for him. *Mary thanked the Burrs and headed out the door. She felt petrified and so much more scared of the world than she used to be. She could barley walk from her shaketh legs, and she felt like she was about to throw up. She walked to Mr. Madison's house. Tears coated her cheeks and she hoped James had any idea about where her father was. She took a deep breath. She knocked.* h-hello? Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : Thomas hears Mary. He looked at the door and looked away, assuming he's hearing things from the lack of sleep and not eating. He figured that Mary was never going to come. Mary Jefferson : *More sobs escaped from her* please... please be home? *she knocked harder and banged her head on the door. It hurt, but it couldn't compare to the shatters her heart was in.* Please! I want my dad back... *her hand continuously slapped the wooden door* I need my dad back! Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : Thomas got off from the couch and opened the door. He sees Mary and tears up and cried from joy and relief. "M-Mary!" Mary Jefferson : Mary felt nauseous and her knees couldn't hold her weight anymore. She threw her head back, and fell to the ground letting out a pained sob. She wrapped her arms around her father and hugged him. She grossly balled and sobbed and cried on Thomas' shoulder* I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! *she let in a shaken breath* I know I'm still a child, you were right! *her shoulders were shaking* I'm sorry! Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : Thomas hugged Mary back "No I'm sorry Mary. I was being a horrible father, I yelled at you. I just want you to be safe. Please don't cry, sweetie. " Thomas gave light smile at Mary "We can buy you a dog tomorrow. And I promise I won't be a horrible father, I'm so so sorry." Mary Jefferson : *Mary hugged Thomas tighter* B-but I don't need a dog! I-I- I just wanna stay with you! I don't wanna leave! I don't want you to leave! I don't...I don't wanna grow up...I wanna stay with you *she started getting the cursed hiccups* Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "You have to grow up, Mary. But I promise I'll never leave again. It hurts me to see you cry. " Mary Jefferson : *Mary sniffled and wiped her eyes in attempt to stop the tears from escaping. She didn't know what to say or what to do. So she stayed there. She hugged Thomas and she didn't move.* Can we go home? Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "Yes of course we can go home, anything you want " Mary Jefferson : *Mary wished she wasn't this tall. She didn't want to tower her father or 'be older'. She let go of him and smiled* ok, it's getting late either way. *Mary stood up and started walking home with Thomas* Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : Thomas was still very tired. He ended up passing out half way there. Mary Jefferson : *Mary laughed and picked up her father. He was way lighter than he looked, which made her concerned about what he was eating, but she figured it was the Mac and cheese. Soon, Mary reached home and put Thomas on the couch. She gathered all the blankets she used from earlier and wrapped Thomas in them* Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : Thomas snuggled into the blankets sleeping soundly Mary Jefferson : *Mary smiled in content before tears came back to haunt her. She was silent, she wasn't sobbing. She looked down at her feet and wiped her tears away with her sleeves. She couldn't tell if everything was just hitting her all so soon or she was just so happy.* Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : Thomas started having nightmares of people he loves dying and hating him Mary Jefferson : *Mady heard Thomas wipering and saw him twitching. She didn't know if she would wake him up or not, but she decided not to.* Mary Jefferson : *mARY Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : Thomas tossed and turned before waking up in tears Mary Jefferson : *Mary winced in surprise at his sudden wake* are you ok...? Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : Thomas looks at Mary "I'm fine, you should go to sleep " Mary Jefferson : O-Okay. *Her fingers we're s t i l l twitching* goodnight, love you. *she hugged him before going to her room, like she should've have done days ago* Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : Thomas looked at the ceiling. Shaking. He doesn't want to lose anyone Mary Jefferson : *Mary rolled her eyes and fixed up the hem on her nightgown, making it as long as it could go, which was to about her knees. She crawled into bed and hugged the sheets close. She feel asleep at some point.* Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : Thomas went to check on Mary. Happy that she's asleep. He left the house to check if James was safe Mary Jefferson : *James only now realized it was actually dark. So he began trudging back home an his swollen feet. He couldn't find Mary. He wouldn't know what to tell Thomas* Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : Thomas sees James and ran to him "James I found Mary, she's safe. You should go to sleep " Mary Jefferson : *James let a sigh of relief and it felt like many bricks were taken off his shoulders* I'm not sleeping till you tell me e v e r y t h i n g Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "Mary came to the house crying so I talked to her. She still cares but right now she's sleeping and so should you " Mary Jefferson : *James wasn't s a t i s f i e d but he could take it* Hmm, ok. I'm going home. Good luck with Mary! *James wakes back home, his eyes ready to close* Mary Jefferson : *walks Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : Thomas sighs and walked back home. Sitting on the couch not sleeping. He didn't want another nightmare Mary Jefferson : *Mary woke up a few times throught the night, but she went back to sleep right after.* ~~next morning~~ Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : Thomas made Mary food. Mary Jefferson : *Mary bounced out of her room, sleep curing her* good morning! Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "Morning Mary " Thomas smiles. He didnt sleep all night Mary Jefferson : *Mary had her slippers on and was about to start gliding across the room-* you got sleep right??? Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "Of course I did" he lied "I also already ate so it's time for you to eat " Mary Jefferson : *Mary stared at him* well you clearly had a rough night and it looks like you ate these eggs staright from the shell because it sure does look like you just finished making them... Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "Dont question it, Mary. Just eat" Thomas gave a smile. He haven't ate and slept at all. Mary Jefferson : *Mary started eating her food* so, *she shoved another fork fill in her mouth* I was walking around, and chemical ice, is a thing Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "It is? What does it do?" Mary Jefferson : It doesn't do much. It's like a stick but ice, and it has some sort of flavor, which matches the color. And it's put in wrapper that is so hard to open you have to raise hell to open it Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : Thomas chuckles "I see. Are you planning to get some still?" Mary Jefferson : *shrugs* I don't really know?? It's cool but I mean it's way less than I anticipated Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "Oh. Well if you plan to get something just come to me " Mary Jefferson : alrighty, but I plan on living like a hermit the next two days unless something rEALLY interesting happens Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "Alright. Do you plan on turning back? Or still run for president " Mary Jefferson : *Mary shifted uncomfortably in her seat* I...I don't know. I don't think I'd be a good president, wAIT maybe I can- NO NO I WANNA TURN BACK if I contradict with myself any further spray me with water or somethin Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "I think you'll be a great president " Mary Jefferson : *Mary shook her head* I don't know...I'm still too young...who would even vote for me, besides you, Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "Well I'm sure a lot of people will if they understand what you're going for. " Mary Jefferson : *Mary felt like smacking herself* I guess,,,I'll do it! Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "I'll be there with you when you get elected or not!" Mary Jefferson : I suppose that's reassuring? I'm kinda scared but whatever Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "Dont be scared " Mary Jefferson : hOW DO YOU JUST TURN OFF THE SCARED BUTTON ALL MY SYSTEMS ARE NERVOUS Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : "Breathe " Mary Jefferson : um well *breathes* I do that on a daily basis but *iNTENSIFIES BREATHING* Turned into a 3yr old Thomas Jefferson wearing oversized clothes : Thomas pats Mary's back "you'll be fine " Mary Jefferson : *grumbles* ok...so, who's my competition? You've left the conversation
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